Monday, August 6, 2012

The Other Olympians

For the past week, I've been watching as much of the Olympics as I can. I've been recording coverage during the day and catching up in the evenings, then watching primetime coverage. I'm one of those people who hates commercials. If I can record it and fast forward through the commercials, I will. However, as I've been watching the Olympics, I've been thoroughly enjoying the commercials. My favorites are the Visa commercials with narration by Morgan Freeman and the Nike commercials about greatness. How inspirational!

One promo that caught my eye, though, was for a new show coming up in the fall called Chicago Fire. As the scene unfolds on men working out as "athletes" the tagline, "Some heroes never go to the olympics," comes up on the screen, and we begin to see that these "athletes" are actually firefighters. It got me thinking about the many heroes that never go to the Olympics. The doctors, the soldiers, the mothers, and the ones I see everyday when they walk through the doors of Alzheimer's Services--the caregivers.

An Olympian is defined as majestic in manner, superior to mundane affairs, surpassing all others in scope and effect. Just as Olympians devote hours to training, caregivers devote hours to caring for their loved ones. Just as Olympians sacrifice, caregivers sacrifice their time, their social lives, and many times, their financial stability. Just as Olympians thrive under pressure, caregivers find strength and push through, even in the darkest moments. And just as Olympians rejoice in their victory and see the impact they have on entire countries, caregivers relish the joy of knowing they are making a difference in the lives of their loved ones and inspiring other caregivers along the way.

This week, I'll continue watching as much of the Olympics as I can. I'll cheer for USA to win more medals, and I'll continue to look for Kate Middleton and Prince William in the crowds. I may even try to figure out the rules of water polo. But most importantly, I'll remember the other Olympians--the caregivers--who will never stand on a podium with an Olympic medal around their neck with the national anthem playing in the background, but who are as every bit as heroic as those that will. And I will be inspired to find my inner Olympian.

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