Thursday, March 11, 2010

Meet the Intern

As a new face at Alzheimer's Services, I am learning the ins and outs of the organization as I shadow the footsteps of Program Coordinator, Julie Brewer. My basic understanding of Alzheimer's disease has expanded through Dementia Care training and programs such as "A Cause to Remember" and "Sharing the Journey." Though the majority of my work has been assisting with Education Conference preparations, I have learned through Caregiver Network Meetings and the Helpline that working here requires one part compassion and one part resourcefulness - something the staff have and offer quite well. I am learning to keep my heart open, time flexible, and planner handy!

Kathleen Keen
Program Intern
Masters in Health Candidate
Southeastern Louisiana University

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie you have been a pleasure to work with