Friday, March 14, 2008

Short Films on Alzheimer's

David Shenk, author of The Forgetting, in collaboration with the Alliance for Aging Research has developed 4 very short, powerful “pocket” films to increase understanding of Alzheimer's disease. They are called "pocket" films because of their brevity and portability; and are designed to be viewed anywhere at anytime.
The topics of the four films are:
1) What is Alzheimer’s disease
2) An Urgent Epidemic
3) The Race to the Cure
4) A message for Patients and their Families
Here is the first of the 4 films, "What is Alzheimer's disease?", which gives the basics on the disease with a powerful illustration of how the brain is affected. Simply select play in the box.

Here is the link to view all the films:
Please forward this link on to your families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
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