Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Healthy Mind. Healthy Body.

This week we'd like to focus on the importance of staying MENTALLY fit.

Why? Because keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body strong and healthy. We all know that it is inevitable that the mind will slowly weaken with age, but you have the power to fight back! The following are some simple tips and tools adapted from ELDR Magazine 's October Issue on keeping your brain strong and healthy.

  • Stop using a calculator. One way to become a "better thinker" is to stop using a calculator when performing simple math - like dividing up your share of the bill at a restaurant or figuring out the tip. Boost that brain-power by doing what you did BEFORE Texas Instruments created that adding machine - try mental math!

  • Recall your shopping lists. Eldr Magazine suggests writing down your grocery list before heading out to the store; however, the catch is to try to keep from looking at the list as you shop. Keep the list in your pocket or purse, then pull it out only when you are about to enter the checkout line to make sure you got everything.

  • Play chess or another mind-tingling board or card game. Visit these challenging online game sites:






  • Extend your vocabulary. Learn a new word daily and try to use it in a conversation.

  • Name recall. When you meet someone new, challenge yourself by trying to remember their name and details about them - where they work(ed), how many children/grandchildren they have, where they live, etc. Score some bonus points by remembering character names, names of directors/producers, names of actors and writers on the movies and tv shows you watch. Think of all the trivia questions you could answer! Jeopardy here you come!

  • Exercise. Aerobic Exercise doesn't just help your body- it helps stimulate your mind as well. Swimming is said to be the most beneficial aerobic exercise for older people because it works your entire body by increasing flexibility and joint strength while having a low risk of injury.

  • Get Heart-Healthy - Eat right. More and more studies on Alzheimer's have found that typical heart disease risk factors like high cholesterol and high blood pressure can more than double the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia. Eating heart healthy foods - introducing leafy greens, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and E into your diet - can lower your risk of AD.

  • Break your routine. Don't let your mind get lazy! Get out of that "same ol' same ol'" routine! Drive a different way home from work, try to use your left hand if your right-handed, try new foods - just think of all the possibilities! Try something NEW!

  • Travel to different places. A fun and exciting way to improve your mind is traveling to new, exotic locations. Traveling allows you to study new cultures, learn new languages, see new sights and meet interesting people - all while giving your mind the workout it yearns for!
  • Get organized. Ease your mind by storing your keys, important papers (i.e. bills) and essential everyday things in easy-to-find locations. Make them a "home" (i.e. a designated area) in your home. This leads me to our last tip...

  • RELAX Find time to ease your mind. Just like a computer, your mind needs time to "reboot" when you've been working it overtime. Meditate, pray, sit in silence or read a relaxing book - do something that will calm your nerves and ease your mind, so you'll be ready to take on the world (or maybe just those grandkids!)

Hope you have a wonderful week! Please share these tips to your friends, family members and co-workers!

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